Tai Chi Health Class
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Tai Chi health Class monthly fee : US $ 50


Courses : 4 classes per month, 1.5 hour per class per week.


Content Chinese simplified Tai Chi and the complete mind-body workout


Tai chi is great for everyone, from youth to senior. Tai Chi is unlike any other form of exercise, it emphasizes good posture, proper body alignment, relaxation of the body, mind intent and breath control. Tai Chi movements are flowing, round, and circular – it makes you feel relax and good for health.


Get stared today and live happier and healthier with Tai Chi !


For more details about the Tai Chi Health Class, please call 1-650-2966632 or email us at fengshuipang@yahoo.com





Feng Shui Consultant, Master James Pang Tel: 1-650-296 6632 Email: info@fengshuipang.com

Copyright © Feng Shui Pang, Inc. All Rights Reserved.