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Zodiac Goat's birthday:
Click here for Zodiac Horse if you were born within the following period:

Lucky Decor

Putting "Lucky Four Season" on the East or "Fortune Pillow" on the Southeast of your Living room, Bedroom, or on the desk in your office.


Lucky Four Season
Buy Here

Fortune Pillow
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Wealth Decor

Putting "Wealth Crab" on the North of your Living room and "Lucky Four Season" near your bed will bring you wealth this year.


Lucky Four Season
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Wealth Crab
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Love Decor

Putting "Heart To Heart " or  "Fortune Twin Fish" on the  Northwest of your living room will bring you love this year.

Heart To Heart
Buy Here


Fortune Twin Fish



Your Lucky Jewelry
Bracelet -

Purple Sand Stone
Buy Here

Phantom Quartz
Buy Here

Buy Here
Purple Sand Stone - enhances memory, relationships and career, increases academic performance, improves headaches. Phantom Quartz - enhances wealth and career, achieves goals and ideals, strengthens the heart. Pearlsoothes, enhances eyesight, promotes clarity, moisturizes, promotes blood circulation, stimulates inspiration and creativity.
(can be used as cell phone ornaments or key chains)


Fortune Lotus
Buy Here

  Scholar Fish
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Fortune Horse
Buy Here

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Year of Birth for
other Zodiac Sign
Click below
1936 1948
1960 1972
1984 1996
1937 1949
1961 1973
1985 1997
1938 1950
1962 1974
1986 1998
1939 1951
1963 1975
1987 1999
1940 1952
1964 1976
1988 2000
1941 1953
1965 1977
1989 2001
1942 1954
1966 1978
1990 2002
1943 1955
1967 1979
1991 2003
1944 1956
1968 1980
1992 2004
1945 1957
1969 1981
1993 2005
1934 1946
1958 1970
1982 1994
1935 1947
1959 1971
1983 1995

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